Sunday, December 30, 2007

so big....

Walt is getting so big so fast (it seems to us). You know everyone that has kids always tells us, oh they grow up so fast.... We believed them to a point, but you really don't know until you are there. He is smiling all the time and laughing some of the time. He gets the giggles though and it is just the cutest thing that a little baby can do.

He still loves the bouncy chair, but now he also loves to lay down and just kick and stretch out.

Happy New Year! enjoy some other pictures from our Christmas

Thursday, December 27, 2007

First Christmas

Well, our first Christmas as a family of three was wonderful. We took off last Friday for Des Moines, we stayed until Wednesday. It was great to be at my parents' house for the holiday. They had not seen walt since he was just 2 months, so they were delighted to have some extended time with him. Jessica has been studying abroad in Argentina since August, so we got to introduce her to her new nephew. She was so happy to meet him. She lives with us in St Louis while she is finishing her masters at Washington University. So it was sad to leave her, but she will be here soon. We met our new cousin, Ava who was born on Nov 15, as well as spent some more time with my brother's daughter, Victoria.

Enjoy the pictures I know that there is a lot!



Sunday, December 16, 2007

Photo day

So our good friend Chris who is also our next door neighbor came over today to take some pictures of the family. None of the pictures of the 3 of us turned out perfect. But I thought that I would share a couple with you. We had a nice relaxing weekend.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

What's the deal with this white stuff?

This weekend is Walt's first exposure to snow, and by the picture it looks as though he likes it. This has been a pretty low-key weekend sandwiched between two that are very busy. With last weekend having Jarrett and Jill in from Chicago and spending next weekend in Des Moines, we're pretty excited to have no obligations. Walt has something of a cold (he's stuffy, but that's about it), so he's been a bit on the fussy side the past couple of days. In addition to that, he may be teething - we can't tell for sure. He's been making some strange mouth movements as well as drooling a lot (well, at least more than normal) and has responded well to chewing on things. All in all, it's been a pretty busy past couple of days.

We'll talk to you all soon,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Birthdays, Visitors, Football, oh my!

Sorry Blog readers, we have been busy as I am sure that most of you have been with the upcoming holiday season approaching.

Life has been grand around the Wichard house. Walt is talking a lot more and enjoying going to Peggy's house during the day while we work. He has still been sleeping well at night, which make mom and dad so happy!

Last weekend we celebrated Sara's birthday and welcomed in our friends Jill and Jarrett from Chicago. We had friends over on Friday night and then hung out at Nik and Kelly's on Sunday for football.

Here are a couple of pictures of Walt and his friend Evan. Also, a picture of Sara and Jill.