Monday, September 29, 2008

It has been a while.....sorry

We have been busy keeping up with our ONE year old. He is still crawling like crazy, not too much interest in walking yet. We take walks every night, but we have been getting sad that the days are getting shorter. He is back in swim class on Wednesday nights. One of his favorites "toys" are all of his books. He just reads and reads and reads his books. And he loves to pull all of his books off the shelves before he reads them.

He has two new tricks... 1. Hi-fives 2. sticks his tounge out

I will post videos soon......

Monday, September 15, 2008

now and then... 1 year

I couldn't find the hospital photo (frankl

y, I am fine with that!)

Walt was 2 weeks old and then 1 year 2 days.

Now the Birthday Party....

Well we had the actual birth-day celebration, then came the big party. We had about 30 adults and 10 kids over on Saturday. It was pretty fun and crazy. Walt loved playing outside with the kids. He also loved it when the snow cone truck came to make snowcones for all of us! Lucky for walt his Great-Grandma was there to share her snow cone with him.

Here are pictures of the party. I made some robots and we had Gus's Pretzels of his initials.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to Walt!

Sara: My birthday is my favorite day of the year. I tell everyone. I celebrate for about a week and I just relish every minute. But today was so much better?!?! I got a starbucks this morning and left with just a smile on my face thinking about how lucky we were to have such a healthy happy boy. I had an amazing day from start to finish. I picked Walt up from Peggy's at lunch time to come to school for lunch with me. He saw a bunch of students and loved climbing some stairs at school. Tonight we went to Blues City to listen to Blues Music and have dinner. Walt had a cupcake and really "owned" it. It was a wonderful day.

Bob: Throughout the day I kept remembering what was happening at this time last year. It is hard to believe that it has been a full year already. Walt is so much fun to be around. Seems like everyday something new is happening with him.

Here are some day of birthday pictures, we will post some of his party on Saturday.

Monday, September 8, 2008

NO Parents this weekend

I went down to Nanny and Poppie's house this weekend. I had a ton of fun playing with them and Baxter and puppy Bruno. I was so tired on Saturday that I went to bed at 6:45pm. We just played and played and played and played! I love having grandparents.

NO Walt this weekend!

So Walt took his first weekend away from his parents this weekend and went down to stay with his Nanny and Poppie Wichard. He had a great time and I will post pictures when I get them. But here are some pictures from the wedding that Mommy and Daddy went to while Walt was away. Our college friend Dan got married. It was a great time. We did miss our little guy, but secretly mommy loved hanging out on the couch watching sappy movies on Saturday!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well, it's been a while since we've posted, so here are a couple of pictures. These were taken just up in Walt's room while we were playing. Enjoy...